National Acts of Kindness Day is an opportunity to reflect on how small acts of kindness can have a big effect on our relationships, communities, others and our own well-being. Whether it's offering a helping hand to someone in need or sharing a smile with a stranger, kindness is something we can all give. Think of the day as a celebration that encourages small moments of goodwill and compassion towards ourselves and others. It brings people together.
Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate and acts of kindness go beyond just making someone feel good in the moment. It can have a ripple effect that can transform an entire community. Studies show that being kind can boost your happiness, reduce stress, and even strengthen your immune system.
The Mental Health Foundation found in a 2020 survey that 63% of UK adults agree that when other people are kind it has a positive impact on their mental health, and the same proportion agree that being kind to others has a positive impact on their mental health.
In todays fast-paced life, we can often forget the impact that simple gestures can make – a kind word, making a cup of tea for someone, a lending ear, a comforting hug, or a smile. Simple things have the power to turn lives around and make someone’s day brighter!
When thinking about national kindness day and the reminder to be friendly, generous and considerate to others, it’s an equally important reminder to also be friendly to ourselves. Kindness is often thought of as something we mostly give to others, but we can’t pour from an empty cup. Showing yourself the same friendliness, generosity, and consideration helps you to show up better for others, too. It’s all connected! And one way to start practicing this is to notice your inner critic, pay attention to how you talk to yourself and ask “Would I say this to a friend?”
If you're thinking, ‘shouldn’t we aim to be kind to others all year round?!’ I think the point of this day is to raise awareness and to inspire people to think more consciously about their actions. For me, reflecting on this day has been like setting a reminder to step back and reflect on how I treat others and how I can be more empathetic and generous in my day to day life. Taking a moment to reflect on our own behaviours and how we bring value to our lives and the lives of those around us. Kindness is contagious, experiencing an act of kindness can improve our mood, it makes our day and it can increase the likelihood of spreading that kindness to others.