Insights & opinion

A first hand account of the benefits of Polyvagal Informed Listening Therapy (SSP)

After years of battling anxiety, trauma, and emotional upheaval, one user of the Safe and Sound Protocol, polyvagal informed therapy, tells how this unique approach to listening can foster resilience, improve emotional regulation, and create lasting peace.

September 23, 2024

When I first heard about the Polyvagal Informed Listening Therapy Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) from a friend, I was very sceptical. After years of struggling with severe anxiety, emotional dysregulation, sound sensitivity, and a history of trauma, I had grown used to feeling anxious. Countless therapies hadn’t worked for me, especially those requiring mindfulness or body-focused techniques, which often made me uncomfortable. But SSP seemed different, more approachable, because of its focus on listening, and I’ve always found comfort in music. So, I decided to give it a try.

From the very first session, my expectations began to shift. My Portobello Behavioural Health SSP trained therapist provided a clear explanation of the science behind SSP, and I was intrigued by the idea that this therapy could strengthen the inner ear muscles and help regulate my nervous system. Listening to music or tones for a few minutes a day seemed simple enough, but the potential benefits seemed almost too good to be true.

At the start, I committed to just 5 minutes a day, unsure of how I’d manage even that. But to my surprise, I quickly found myself wanting to listen longer. The experience was soothing in ways I never expected, and soon I had to set limits (something that had never been an issue for me before). Meditation and stillness had always felt impossible, but SSP created a space where I could relax without forcing it.

Gradually, I began to notice shifts in how I handled stress and emotions. Situations that would typically send me into a spiral like the end of a serious relationship, health scares, my lifelong fear of spiders and more felt increasingly manageable. I wasn’t magically smiling through it all, but I had a newfound capacity to face life’s challenges without being derailed. Even my sleep improved, and the constant background tension I had lived with for so long started to fade a bit, noises around me began to aggravate me less too.

What surprised me the most was how these changes have stayed with me long after the therapy ended. I had worried the benefits might disappear, but I’m still feeling more grounded, more resilient, and more capable of coping with everyday stresses. I’ve even started listening to calming music frequently as a way to maintain this newfound sense of peace, something I never thought I’d do willingly.

To anyone who struggles with anxiety, sensory overload, or emotional regulation, I cannot recommend SSP enough. It’s been nothing short of transformative for me, and I truly believe it can help others create the emotional space they need to better engage with their lives, their therapies, and their wellness tools. I feel the most soothed I have in my life and that’s a feeling I want everyone to experience.

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